Web Tutorial

Getting Started (Web)

Creating an account

Just like with F-list, your presence in FurhausMUSH is composed of an account you use to log in, and characters you play.
Create an account here: https://furhaus.online/auth/register. You may enter any name for your account name; you will enter the names of characters separately.

Creating a character

An account starts with no characters. You can create characters using either the website, or MUSHclient.
To create a new character, go to the character creation page and input a name and basic description. The name must be an exact match for the F-list character you want to link, however once you are logged in as that character, you can use the moniker command to change their name to your preferred name. The description is optional! You can wait until you're in the MUSH to set it and change it at any time.

The web-based character creator.
If successful, you’ll see a pop-up with a command. The mushverify command.
After creating a character, you’ll be prompted to verify your ownership by messaging Sharkemoji, the Furhaus bot, with a token given to you by the MUSH. Copy-paste the command !mushverify <token> as a PM to Sharkemoji from the character you are creating, and you should recieve a response and a short guide on where to go next.
Sharkemoji verifies a character.
If this is the case, your account and character are now ready! You can now go to the web client by clicking Play Online on the website.
The web client should log you in automatically, and the intro screen will list your available characters. Simply ‘become’ one of them using ic <charactername> to play.

Customizing your character

Your character starts as a blank slate, and you can customize many aspects of their presentation, which will be seen by others. The most basic are their gender, using the command gender, their general description, using the command setdesc (this is the same as the description you optionally entered while creating the character, and writing a new one will overwrite the previous), and descriptions for individual parts of their body, using bodydesc. Prefixing help to any command will bring up relevant info, like the available options for gender and available body-parts to describe with bodydesc, along with syntax examples.
An example body description being set.
An example body part description.

Exiting FurhausMUSH

Simply close the webclient to log out of FurhausMUSH. Note that the webclient does not save logs, if you’d like this and other quality-of-life features, you can also connect to FurhausMUSH using MUSHclient.